
Using pbi-tools for advanced Power BI CI/CD pipelines

pbi-tools (, having brought end-to-end source control capabilities to the Power BI ecosystem, also allows the creation of advanced CI/CD pipelines for Power BI Reports, Dataflows, and Datasets.

Where you need to go beyond Power BI's own Deployment Pipelines or want to rely on automation with Power BI Pro, pbi-tools is your go-to solution.

This session gives you all the necessary bits and pieces you need to set up your own pbi-tools powered pipelines. It will cover deployment manifests, what type of source artifacts are supported, the concept of deployment environments, and how to integrate it all into team workflows. You will learn what it takes to set up CI/CD pipelines in both Azure DevOps as well as GitHub Actions.

Advanced deployment manifest features are also covered, for instance parameterization of deployment artifacts and environment properties. You will be able to take home a good understanding of all required ingredients, but most importantly a list of sample repositories and pipeline definitions to use as templates.

Mathias Thierbach

Head of Finance Systems at YouGov Plc, Data Platform MVP, and Developer of pbi-tools

London, United Kingdom

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