
Power BI Report development in a team with pbi-tools

Power BI projects often start very small, with a single person quickly creating impressive results using Power BI Desktop and a project that is fully contained in a single file. When those early successes are then expected to scale in an enterprise context and to be replicated by a larger team, things get more complicated. There is no obvious scale-out path. And whilst for Power BI Premium and the XMLA endpoint model developers have some advanced third party tooling at their disposal, there is nothing comparable for report development. Report builders are limited to Power BI Desktop and black-box PBIX files.

This is where pbi-tools comes in to fill a significant gap. Mathias, the author of pbi-tools, will explain and demonstrate how report is lifted to a whole new level: with a source control compatible view of what's inside a PBIX file it is possible to review and check what's changed between versions, collaborate on the same project within a team, and even apply scripted transformations at the source code level.

Mathias started developing the tooling and associated workflows some five years ago and was able to test and improve the system over and over again since. Attend the session to benefit from that experience and take home lots of practical guidance and ideas.

Mathias Thierbach

Head of Finance Systems at YouGov Plc, Data Platform MVP, and Developer of pbi-tools

London, United Kingdom

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