
Incremental Refresh and partition management

You have lots of data, well Power BI can handle it. Build efficient loading data models by using Incremental Refresh in Power BI.

While setting up incremental refresh is easy, what is happening in Power is more of a mystery. This session does a deep dive into what happens when you are incrementally refreshing datasets.

This will be a technical dive in to Power BI Incremental refresh using SSMS, SQL Profiler, and Tabular Editor 3

Attendees will walk away with a complete understanding of the Incremental refresh set up within Power BI. Then a technical understanding of what happens at the Analysis services side inside

Extra topics also covered:
- Hybrid refresh policies
- Advanced features enabled via the Tabular Object Model
- Impact for deployment of datasets (DevOps concerns)

Mathias Thierbach

Head of Finance Systems at YouGov Plc, Data Platform MVP, and Developer of pbi-tools

London, United Kingdom

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