
Pavan Belagatti

Pavan Belagatti

Developer Evangelist at SingleStore

Bengaluru, India

Tech storyteller, writer and developer advocate. Pavan has written over 100 articles on various cloud-native topics. He was also recognised as one of the top DevOps influencers from DZone in 2020.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • DevOps
  • Software Deveopment
  • DevOps & Automation
  • Kubernetes
  • gitops
  • Developer Relations
  • Developer Productivity

Code, Connect, and Conquer: Mastering Personal Branding for Developers

In today's competitive landscape, technical expertise alone is not enough to thrive in the tech industry. Building a compelling personal brand can open doors to exciting opportunities, connect you with like-minded professionals, and catapult your career to new heights. Through real-life examples and practical insights, I will be talking about my personal experience of becoming a DevOps influencer. I'll share some strategies, tips and tricks to become a brand as a developer or for anybody who is in software development.

GitOps: The Way Forward

GitOps has become the talk of the DevOps town and is gaining momentum for its numerous benefits. This talk will take you through the basics to the advanced understanding of GitOps, best practices and how to get started.

This talk can have a duration of 45 minutes and is targeted towards DevOps professionals.

Pavan Belagatti

Developer Evangelist at SingleStore

Bengaluru, India