
Thomas Künneth

Thomas Künneth

Senior Android Developer @snappmobile_io

Nürnberg, Germany

Thomas fell in love with Android in 2009. Since then he has been constantly contributing to the community. Thomas loves writing articles and books about mobile computing. You can frequently watch him speaking at conferences and meetups. Thomas' first encounter with programming was in the era of home computers during the early 1980s. Later came C, Perl and a few more. During the 90s he wrote a bunch of programs for the Atari ST series. The first decade of Thomas' professional career was Java. Today it’s mostly Kotlin.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • java
  • dart
  • flutter
  • Mobile

Composing large screens

Android has always embraced different form factors. But given Googles renewed interest in tablets and the expected release of the Pixel Fold later this year, it's more important than ever to make your app look great on large screens. How do you do that? Which tools and libraries are needed? What screen layout is best? This talk walks you through Jetpack WindowManager, a Jetpack library that provides all information your app needs to make the best of all screen sizes. And we'll look at Material Design Canonical Layouts, ready-to-use compositions that help layouts adapt for common use cases and screen sizes.

Thomas Künneth

Senior Android Developer @snappmobile_io

Nürnberg, Germany